My name is: Collette Arens
My favorite dinner is: Steak with onions or roast beef.
My favorite dessert is: Cookie Monster!!!
My favorite flower is: Not a single favorite, but I love wildflowers.
My favorite hobby is: Horse-back riding on a sunny summer day.
My favorite
restaurant is: My favorite does not exist. My favorite would include
fried mozzerella from Olive Garden, steak from Pantrucas, fries from
Sammy's, pork burritos from Costa Vida etc etc. I'm picky. However, one
of the best all around restaurants is Das Duetchman Essenhaus--a German
Amish restaurant in Indiana.
A game I like to play is: MarioKart and ConnectFour and MadGab :)
The music I
listen to most
is: Think Depeche Mode, Enya and then the Scorpions. I like either
really chill music or rock with a great melody in the vocals and guitar.
I also like music that makes me feel like I'm living in an 80's movie.
My favorite thing to buy
is: Food. It is my weakness. I don't like shopping for anything else.
A book I highly
is: For guilty pleasure the Fablehaven series, for intellectual
enlightenment Man's Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankl, and for
spiritual nourishment The Continuous Atonement by Brad Wilcox or The
Great Divorce OR Screwtape Letters OR Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis.
By the way, I love to read :)
A movie I watch
over and
over is: I don't like to watch things usually more than once every year
or two. Lame I know, but it's no fun for me if I remember everything.
Although lately I've been dying for Gladiator to show up on TV because I
love it and TV edits it for me :)
A smell that makes me
pause is: bacon
The city country I would most like
to visit is: For pleasure: Iceland. To do something meaningful: Ghana
My favorite thing to do on
a date is: eat and sleep :) mostly because they are my two favorite things to do in general.
The best vacation
I ever
had was: Ya know, I really enjoyed going to Zions last year and hiking
the Narrows. We hike quite a bit but that was probably my favorite.
If you could be
fictional character, who would you choose? Wow this question has me
stumped! Peter says he would be one of the X-Men but that would be a
little too much adventure for me. The serious answer to this will take
much too long to decide, so I'll go with Tarzan because only wearing a
loincloth and talking to gorillas, among other things, would be pretty
If you could
learn to do
anything, what would it be? I would love to learn to not be afraid. I'm
afraid of water, bears, broken bones, blood... To rid my life of fear
would be awesome!
What chore do you
absolutely hate doing? Dishes.
When you have 30
of free-time, how do you pass the time? If I havn't read my scrips I do
that, if that's done I blog or turn on the tele. I'm all for passive
What do you think is your
very best feature or characteristic? I'm teachable, which has really helped me in everything I do.
What is the
"thing" you are most grateful for? Good food.
What is your
vacation? It's not the place that matters it's the amount of comfort. I
don't want to be tired or hungry or too hot or too cold. Haha I just
realized that probably means I should just stay home :)
What's the coolest thing
you've ever done? I had a concussion from a slip and slide and don't remember an entire day of my life.
How did you meet
husband? How did he propose? We met at EFY in 2002. No, we didn't like
each other. He proposed in a mountain, but almost didn't because it had
snowed, but I insisted that we "go on a drive" hehe I was sick of
waiting :)
The best thing about being
married is: having a companion with the same eternal goals to work with them on every day.
What do you and your
husband like to do together? Play ConnectFour and go hiking and camping. And eat :) Mini golf. Swim occasionally
What would be your perfect day? 77 sunny. Open field with yellow
flowers. Me and my hubby on horseback. Of course, there would be good
food included.
What was the best advice you got/would give on marriage? Quite a few
said "remember, the wife is always right" which was actually the
crappiest advice although I wish it were true :) I would say that
perspective is important. Remember, celestial marriage is requisite for
exaltation because it is what refines us. Don't give up because it's
hard! Realize that we all have developed unhealthy habits and that now
is the time to turn them over to the Lord and change.
What story does
family always tell about you? Well my oldest siblings like to talk about
how I was a siren and if you inflicted any pain on me your consequence
was to hold me while I wailed :) My dad likes to tell me about one
particular day at the beach (I grew up on Lake Michigan). I was jumping
the waves--my favorite beach activity--all alone. My pops came over to
me to jump with me. I looked at him and shouted, "No! You're messing up
my waves!" This is important because we now use the phrase to describe a
lot of situations that still upset me. For example, I had a mission
call when Peter decided to marry me and I told him he was messing up my
waves. The end.