My name is: Shelise M
My favorite dinner is: Basically anything. I LOVE food. BUT I don't like ground beef and absolutely don't eat it under any condition.
My favorite dessert is: Chocolate Ice Cream. Really anything chocolatey and gooey.
My favorite flower is: Poppies
My favorite hobby is: Trying new recipes and refinishing old furniture
My favorite restaurant is: Any restaurant makes me happy... it means I don't have to clean up after my kids.
A game I like to play is: This may sound silly but a game to me is organizing my iPhoto after I've uploaded a million pictures and not filed them.
The music I listen to most is: Country! But really I like all music as long as its not rap.
My favorite thing to buy is: Earrings
A book I highly recommend is: Most recently it would probably be The Help
A movie I watch over and over is: Emma (The Gwyneth Paltrow version, although I have recently been introduced to the BBC version and love it just as much.)
A smell that makes me pause is: Any smell that brings back old memories (i.e. Night Blooming Jasmine from Bath and Body Works brings back college memories.)
The city I would most like to visit is: It always has been and always will be Venice. The only problem is that I never want to leave the country. I'm so weird, I know.
My favorite thing to do on a date is: Talk to Kyle without our children interrupting us or needing something.
The best vacation I ever had was: I've been to lots of neat places but my favorite times have been when Kyle and I travel and stay in Bed and Breakfasts. There's something so quaint and lovely about staying in (usually) old houses.
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? I think Belle is so beautiful and I love her singing voice, so probably her.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Make my own clothes and I want to learn to can in a pressure cooker. For some reason it seems so intimidating to me so I've never tried it.
What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Folding Laundry.
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? Usually catch up on friends blogs. Only close friends though.
What do you think is your very best feature or characteristic? I genuinely love people. I asked Kyle and he said, "Your eyes. No, your lips!"
What is the "thing" you are most grateful for? A loving and very accepting husband and cute (albeit, wild) kids. Is that vain?
What is your dream vacation? Probably doing the Church History Trip with Kyle.
What's the coolest thing you've ever done? The first thing that comes to mind is doing the Skycoaster at Six Flags this summer. It was seriously out of this world SCARY! But when I really think about "cool" it would probably be nursing my babies. When you think about the process its really pretty darn neat.
How did you meet your husband? He moved into the ward that I grew up in when he was a Senior and I was a Sophomore. We didn't date until after his mission.
How did he propose? He proposed in a Helicopter over the Las Vegas Temple just after dark. Probably the best proposal I've ever heard of. He actually won a competition on the radio with the story of how he proposed. We got a 3 night stay with all sorts of dinners and fancy stuff in a super nice hotel in Vegas.
The best thing about being married is: We don't have to say goodbye at my parents door every night. Man we hated that.
What do you and your husband like to do together? Eat ice cream and watch a good movie.
What would be your perfect day? More like what would be my most selfish day?? Basically getting everything I need to done without interruption.
What was the best advice you got/would give on marriage? Its been six years so I don't remember what advice we got then but the advice I'd give now is to agree to disagree. Most things really aren't worth arguing about, so why bother. Just know that you are two separate people and you are each entitled to your own opinion.
What story does your family always tell about you? Usually its just about how I never get jokes and that it takes me 5 minutes to finally get it and laugh. But in the past few years they always tell about how I didn't realize why drive thru's were on the left side until AFTER I was married. lol.
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