My name is: Clarissa R
My favorite dinner is: Fettucine alfredo or chicken marsala
My favorite dessert is: Cheesecake
My favorite flower is: Peonies and renanculas
My favorite hobby is: Sewing and crafting home decor
My favorite restaurant is: Red Iguana in SLC (amazing mexican food) or The Cheesecake factory
A game I like to play is: Warewolf, or sardines
The music I listen to most is: Pop, anything similar to Owl City or Imogen Heap
My favorite thing to buy is: Clothing and shoes :-)
A book I highly recommend is: The Hunger Games
A movie I watch over and over is: October Sky
A smell that makes me pause is: The smell of rain
The city I would most like to visit is: Seattle, Joel served there and I have never been back with him yet!
My favorite thing to do on a date is: A classic dinner and movie
The best vacation I ever had was: Our honeymoon to New York City, fabulous!
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? Katniss Everdeen from the hunger games, she rules...
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Photography, particularly for weddings and events
What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Dishes and vacuuming :-(
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? Do something crafty like sewing or making an accessory
What do you think is your very best feature or characteristic? Best feature is my hair and eyes I think...ha um characteristic, I am very "chillax" and very easy to get along with.
What is the "thing" you are most grateful for? My husband and how he is a perfect match for me.
What is your dream vacation? Travel Europe for a few months, um hello!
What's the coolest thing you've ever done? Joel and I climbed up an amazing waterfall in Jamaica. Amazing Amazing!
How did you meet your husband? How did he propose? We met in Arizona at a friends reception. Joel picked me up in a limo that took us, after a nice dinner, to the base of a mountain. He had horses waiting to take us to the top where he had prepared a candle lit picnic. Over looking the city we ate dessert and danced to 'our song'. Then he knelt down on one knee and asked to me to be his princess for eternity. :-) It was an exciting event when he did propose because he thought it would be funny the month prior to pretend propose to me with a huge fake ring not once, but three times! Little stinker haha! when it did happen it was a moment of relief :-)
The best thing about being married is: Always having someone there to confide in...snuggling is also a plus!
What do you and your husband like to do together? We like going on motorcycle rides, going up the canyon to BBQ, playing with our friends and doing pranks (ha!) and traveling!
What would be your perfect day? No work and play all day with Joel!
What was the best advice you got/would give on marriage? Patience is a virtue
What story does your family always tell about you? I loved, and still love to this day, FHV (family home videos on TV), and I would as a little girl just die laughing at every clip. My mom has videos of it still to this day! Also, I have dyslexia of the mouth so I will say things like "Sparking Pot" (Parking Spot) and "Charmy Lucks" (Lucky Charms) at random...they always get a kick out of that!
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