My name is: Kelsey Ann C
My favorite dinner is: Homemade pizza
My favorite dessert is: Cheesecake
My favorite flower is: Carnations
My favorite hobby is: Playing tennis or reading a good book
My favorite restaurant is: Wingers
A game I like to play is: Boggle - it's the only game where I'm guaranteed to beat AJ.
The music I listen to most is: I've been on a Fun./The Format kick lately.
My favorite thing to buy is: Clothes for AJ...I can almost double his wardrobe with every purchase.
A book I highly recommend is: The Book Thief
A movie I watch over and over is: How To Lose a Guy in Ten Days
A smell that makes me pause is: BBQ
The city I would most like to visit is: Bangkok, Thailand
My favorite thing to do on a date is: Anything that requires tennis shoes.
The best vacation I ever had was: I lived in Germany for 5 years growing up and we traveled super often. I consider that period of my life an awesome, giant vacation.
If you could be any fictional character, who would you choose? I think I read this on several others but I would choose to be Katniss Everdeen too.
If you could learn to do anything, what would it be? Become fluent in ASL.
What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Vacuuming.
When you have 30 minutes of free-time, how do you pass the time? Read, close my eyes, or listen to a podcast while doing the dishes.
What is the "thing" you are most grateful for? My husband, AJ, and that the Gospel is as important to him as it is to me.
What is your dream vacation? Someday me and AJ want to ride the Trans-Siberian Railroad from Moscow to Hong Kong just to say we did it. I'd also take two weeks in Bali.
What's the coolest thing you've ever done? Got myself married to AJ.
How did you meet your husband? How did he propose?
AJ and I met on a BYU intramural water polo team beginning of last winter semester. His friend knew my roommate and invited her and any other girls she knew to join the team. I liked AJ right away but despite all my obvious hints, his roommate was the one that asked me out. They must have had a strong "bro-code" because it took AJ months after that to ask me out.
He proposed in Midway after recreating our first date. He played my favorite song (All About Us by He is We) while we danced and then got down on one knee and asked me to marry him. I'll love him forever.
The best thing about being married is: Just being with my best friend all the time.
What do you and your husband like to do together? Play racquetball, hike, read, compete, and hold hands.
What would be your perfect day? It would be a warm and sunny day. I'd wake up to no alarm and be able to run around and play with AJ all day. We'd play frisbee, read in the park, go on a hike, laugh, grill some hamburgers. We'd come home exhausted and slightly sunburnt.
What was the best advice you got/would give on marriage? Go to the temple together as often as possible.
What story does your family always tell about you? I think my mom has told AJ ten times how when I was younger I used to say, "I want to be a server or a doctor." Both admirable goals.